Votee: Decoding Consumer Voices with AI Precision​

Votee is a dynamic market intelligence platform that reimagines market research in Asia with its efficient mobile and web application. This survey app offers a swift, more affordable alternative to traditional research methods, ensuring high-quality, authentic data through a robust, multi-layered approach. By leveraging AI-powered analytics, Votee delivers insightful, actionable intelligence, enabling businesses to make smarter decisions and tailor their marketing strategies effectively.


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In Data and Responses

Innovative Features for Deeper Insights

AI-Powered Speech Recognition

Enables voice feedback for humanized data collection.

Real-Time Dashboard

Offers instantaneous visualization of incoming data for agile decision-making.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Measures customer experience and predicts business growth, with a customizable dashboard for unique KPIs.

Enhancing Insights with Votee's Advanced Tools

Votee’s market intelligence capabilities are enhanced by additional advanced tools, including our Social Listening platform and proprietary Sentiment Analysis technology. These tools augment Votee’s core offerings, providing deeper insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and brand perception, enriching the data-driven strategies of businesses.

Uncover Market Dynamics with Social Listening

Brand Monitoring

Track brand mentions and gauge brand health across digital platforms in over 70 languages.

Trend Analysis

Identify emerging trends and consumer preferences in real-time.

Competitive Insight

Understand your competitive landscape by monitoring competitor activities.

Gain Deeper Insights with Sentiment Analysis

Emotion Detection

Accurately assess complex emotions behind customer feedback.

Contextual Analysis

Gain insights from nuanced, context-rich consumer data.

Market Adaptability

Customizable to diverse markets for targeted, relevant insights.

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success